Dr. Sanju Tiwari
Sr. Researcher, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico. North America

Dr. Sanju Tiwari (CEO and Founder of ShodhGuru Research Labs, India) is a Senior Researcher at Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico. She is DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow for 2021 and visited different German Universities (Leibniz University Hannover, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Lubeck University and Luephana University Luneburg) in June 2022 under this DAAD fellowship. She is a Mentor of Google Summer of Code (GSoC 2022-23) at DBpedia and a member of InfAI, Leipzig University, Germany. She is also working as a curator of ORKG Grant Program, at TIB Hannover, Germany. She also appointed as Ph.D. Co-Supervisor at Rai University, Gujarat, India. She has worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Spain. Prior to this, she worked as a Research Associate for a sponsored research project “Intelligent Real-time Situation Awareness and Decision Support System for Indian Defence” funded by DRDO, New Delhi, India. Her current research interests include, Ontology Engineering, Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Artificial Intelligence. She has to-date published >50 research papers and 3 Scopus indexed Books. She has edited an Elsevier and ISTE book based on Semantic Web in IoT. Currently she is editing two books on Personal Knowledge Graphs and Semantic AI in Knowledge Graphs with IETE and Taylor & Francis. She is working as a General Chair (KGSWC 2020-23, EGETC2022-23, AMLDA 2022-23, AI4S-2023), and Program Chair, Workshop Chair, Publicity Chair, Steering Committee and PC Member in different renowned International Conferences (SEMANTiCS 2019-23, ESWC2021-23, CIKM2020-22, AICCSA-2021, JOWO-2021, BiDEDE 2022-23@ACM SIGMOD, VLIoT@VLDB-2022, SIMBIG2022, ICSC2023). She is working as a Guest Editor for SCI/Scopus journals (SWJ IoSPress, MTAP Springer, TEL Emerald, IJWIS Emerald). She is the speaker of IEEE/IETE N2Women and Women’s Empowerment and NiWIIT (Nigerian Women In Information Technology).

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